We are pleased to announce that the new KIMYA high-performance polymers have been validated for our miniFactory Ultra 3D printer.
The print profiles are now available to all our customers. The latest validated materials are Kimya PEI1010, Kimya PEI9085 and Kimya PPSU. Kimya PEKK-A and food-approved Kimya PC-S have already been validated for the Ultra 3D printer from KIMYA materials. As a result, the number of validated materials is growing significantly. Our customers around the world can now make optimal use of these materials with our system.
In august, Kimya PEKK-A filament based on KEPSTAN® by Arkema and printed on the miniFactory Ultra 3D printer passed EN 45545 certification and reached R1 HL2 level for railway applications.
Validation of materials requires collaboration, in which the knowledge of both the equipment manufacturer and the material manufacturer is brought together. Kimya is a major international material manufacturer based in France, offering a very wide range of materials. The now completed material validations have been completed through a collaborative effort. The testing has been supported by three miniFactory Ultra 3D printers available at KIMYA’s premises. This guarantees the best possible result for the end customer.
The collaboration between miniFactory and Kimya goes back a long way. As early as 2018, when miniFactory unveiled the high-performance Ultra 3D printer at TCT in Birmingham, the seed for collaboration had been sown. Both companies shared a common vision for 3D printing of high-performance polymers to serve the production of final parts, and how close collaboration will be needed to provide our customers with a comprehensive solution.
Since then, it has been a collaborative effort – and will continue as such at an accelerated pace, as 3D printing of high-performance polymers is growing significantly.
The materials now validated are therefore part of the ongoing development work that is being done within both companies. KIMYA specialises in tailoring specific materials to customer needs and then being able to convert it into 3D printing material. The Ultra 3D printer enables 3D printing of basically any thermoplastics, so the opportunity we offer together for 3D printing of customised specialty plastics can be a game changer when it comes to on-site manufacturing for demanding applications.
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