Group 164

Erfurt, June 25th - 27th 2019 ­­­­­­– Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D is one of the most important events of the year for the additive manufacturing.

miniFactory at Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D, Erfurt

You can meet end users, researchers, developers and construction engineers. The exchange of ideas and the exclusive conferences ensure brainstorming for everyone. This will evolve AM technologies to the next level. miniFactory participated to the event with the announcement of the miniFactory technical datasheets.

Almost 4500 enthusiastic visitors participated to the 16th annual Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D exhibition. Over 100 speakers held the conferences during the exhibition. For the visitors the conferences offered excellent information. The information was about the current state and future of additive manufacturing. One of the main aspects was, that the future of additive manufacturing is in desperate need of well-trained experts. The experts will ensure the progress of the industry. Other important keynote speech held in the exhibition was about the exciting possibilities, that 3D printing offers for aviation and space travel.


miniFactory datasheets in the centre of the attention

Riku Hietarinta, Technical specialist of miniFactory about the event:  

The visitors were able to see and learn about the validated printing processes at the stand of miniFactory. Our validated printing process is offered with the miniFactory Ultra 3D printer. The visitors interested about high-performance polymers took miniFactory Ultra in the centre of their attention. Visitors admired the printing quality and the mechanical properties of the prints. The miniFactory technical datasheets were one of the main topics at our stand and we got positive feedback from the results of the datasheets. As said in one of the keynote speeches, the 3D printing provides possibilities to aviation and space travel. When printing end use parts for these industries, the material needs to be validated and chosen correctly for the demand.

We here at miniFactory offer the solution with validated printing process. Our printing process is a combination of a capable printer, validated material and the technical datasheets. With this combination the demanding manufacturing of ultra-polymer end use parts is now achievable for everyone.



“Part of these exhibitions is to meet all colleagues around the world. The shared ideology to evolve the industry is creating a bond among the people who are working with additive manufacturing. Most importantly, this creates environment which is easy to approach. Approachability is crucial for getting more people to work with additive manufacturing, to create the needed network of well-trained experts.” ­­– Riku Hietarinta

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