15-07-2019 – We announce the partnership of my3Dworld and miniFactory. From now on my3Dworld will be the official distributor of the miniFactory Ultra printers in Switzerland.
They have been working with the additive manufacturing for over 5 years. The customers of my3Dworld have started to demand for a solution for the end use part creation. To be able to answer to this demand, they decided to partnership with miniFactory.
“We believe that the miniFactory Ultra will bring us to the new level of additive manufacturing” – Niklaus Schulz, General manager of my3Dworld
my3Dworld offers to their customer a wide range of 3D services such as: 3D scanning, 3D modelling and 3d printing. To be able to offer solution for creating end use parts, they wanted a printer which is capable of printing ultra-polymers with demanded precision and repeatability. They are convinced about the quality of the miniFactory Ultra and they trust on the easy handling of the process. The reliability and the wide range of materials provides possibility to offer the best results for the customer. By printing high level polymers, the customer gets a new possibility to create end use parts, with mechanical properties as announced in the technical datasheets by miniFactory.
Ferenc Toth, Sales director of miniFactory about this partnership in Switzerland
"It is a huge advance for the customers to have a local distributor with the relevant expert knowledge. my3Dworld has the experience about additive manufacturing and the fresh knowledge about the miniFactory Ultra. This will make the investing for ultra-polymer 3D printer easy for the customer. The validated printing process that miniFactory offers, is an easy way to use industry level 3D printer for creating real life applications. Important part of the printing process is to know how to use the printer. Therefore, we want to offer training for the customers. We arrange this training so that it is being held by the authorized instructor from the local distributor. This service ensures desired results with the printer."
Niklaus Schulz
General manager
Telephone: +41 44 520 03 03
E-mail: info@my3dworld.ch
Website: https://www.my3dworld.ch/
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